
scholarships@ a black college?Minority?

Filed under college scholarships | 3 Comments

So my english teacher got a erudition for being a minority at a black college, and i was wondering if they still do that. and is a black college really just all black people, or what is the actual deal with them. I’m not racist, I am just really interested in it.

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Comments (3)

  1. Mark Lafreniere says:

    No, there is no such thing as a “black college” these days. There are Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and as you might imagine, they often tend to have a very different ethnic balance than do other schools, but none of them are exclusive.

  2. Mark Lafreniere says:

    I reckon that only giving fastidious money to blacks IS racist… What if they only gave free money to whites? or spanish? or asian? How would everyone feel then?

  3. Mark Lafreniere says:

    Black colleges do give scholarships to racial minorities at their campuses – thse who are not black. Black colleges do have other races attend, but many non blacks choose not to attend. These are schools that are always located in some pretty rough neighborhoods – even even if the schools themselves are often safe and gorgeous. Also, culturally speaking, they are monolithic. I attended a black college in the 90s. There was protests on campus because people were making a campus club for openly gay students. Still today there are no people on campus who are openly republican.

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